About Wega Company

The sensory profile of espresso is made up of hundreds of notes. Wega’s identity reflects this richness and their ambition to offer the best expression of Italian espresso coffee.


Wega Macchine per Caffé is a brand that represents the Italian tradition of espresso coffee machines. Established in 1985 as a division of the CMA group, which was founded in 1969 by Mr. Nello Dal Tio, Wega Macchine per Caffe’ has been part of Ryoma holding of Milan since its official acquisition in October 2012. Its core-business is the production and distribution of professional espresso coffee machines, coffee grinders and accessories. The remarkable reliability of their machines is the best means they can offer the barista in order to promote Italian coffee culture throughout the world.


In Wega the results from hard work, competence and constant research lead to perfect maturation, which brings coffee to its ideal destination. They offer a range of electronic, semi-automatic and manual machines that can capture the most authentic essence of Italian espresso. An advanced industrial philosophy allows them to operate according to the highest standards currently available on the market.
Wega company philosophy is based on team work and the value we place on human capital:

  • internal work groups are constantly involved
  • close collaboration with suppliers and clients
  • established assistance service with networks throughout the entire territory

Everything is linked to a revolutionary vision of the concept of environmental sustainability.



Wega advocate the quality of espresso coffee while respecting consumer trends in different countries, to spread the sense of this most authentic tradition. Wega guarantees the pleasure of espresso in every part of the world. Its international dimension extends to 130 countries and five continents, with affiliates in the United States and France. The company is also represented throughout the world by importers, distributors and sales representatives who provide market positioning, sales and maintenance for the entire range of espresso coffee machines, coffee grinders and Wega correlated products.

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